One Web For All

Trai fosters innovation and democracy by affirming net neutrality as a guiding principle10_02_2016_014_024_004

Telecom regulator Trai has struck a blow for an open and non-discriminatory internet, after 11 months of public consultation and intense wrangling. Facebook, in partnership with Reliance, was accused of violating net neutrality ­ the principle that an internet service provider will not privilege one stream of content over another. While Facebook flooded the media with ads for its Free Basics plan, and got its own users to lobby the government with notification buttons on the social network, there was a remarkable counter-mobilisation by net neutrality activists under the Save the Internet campaign.The Free Basics model, which offered the poor free access to a set of pre-approved apps including Facebook itself, ran into flak for corroding competition and distorting consumer choice. Facebook presented its “internet-Lite“ as a free choice to the consumer, who could also pay for access to the full web if she preferred. But that is a disingenuous argument, given existing inability to make an informed choice. India, with its barely-tapped population, is already Facebook’s second largest market. But while a digital company’s interests can mesh with the government’s responsibility to widen inter net access, it should not distort the end-user’s experience or create barriers for new entrants.

The open, generative nature of the internet ­ the fact that a startup has the same claim on your attention as a world-straddling corporation, or that a small civic group can reach you as effectively as a powerful government ­ makes it an exceptional platform for innovation and democracy . The Trai order appreciates this principle of a level playing field. The “unique architecture of the internet“ is now an explicitly stated guiding principle for regulation, which will deter future attempts to create tiered models of content. Telecom operators will not be allowed to “shape the user’s experience“, the Trai ruling has stressed.

That said, universal digital access is a burning public obligation.Having refused Facebook’s offer, the government should now focus on providing subsidised access to those who can’t afford it in an application-agnostic manner, through the universal service obligation fund or even other business models, like capped free content, or data in exchange for ads or handsets, which do not interfere with net neutrality . The Trai order has rightly drawn attention to the need to expand public access.

Taken From : The Times of India, jaipur (Feb 10, 2016)

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